
Number involves the following topics:


Times tables





Negative numbers

Square numbers

Cube numbers

Square roots

Prime numbers


Consecutive numbers

Roman numerals


It is highly recommended to take the route of basic operations first as this will cement the groundwork for more complicated concepts such as Algebra. What is meant by this is basic operations are addition subtraction division subtraction, and these basic operations are involved in virtually all of maths. Once the child is confident and apt at these functions then move onto fractions BIDMAS etc…


If you feel that your child is weak in a specific area in this section please utilise the worksheets provided and click on the relevant topic area on the above list. Also please mention it to your assigned tutor as they will have access to more detailed lesson plans and methods to further implement strategies to iron out any weak areas.


If you have any queries or wish to get in contact with us to book lessons or discuss any of the worksheets please click here.